Interview with NPR’s Cultivating Place

"My gardening is rooted at the intersection of burnout and renewal. The compost that feeds my life's work involves regenerating the landscapes that are most degenerated and unseen. Immersed in the soils of a historically-contested Biblical landscape opened my eyes where people are uprooting and burning trees, bulldozing homes/gardens, mutating seed, fighting pests, controlling fire, and combating dry farming fields of barley with Roundup to war over the desert. Seeing hidden forces in the landscape (from the insidious to the mystical) is vital to regeneration. Today I guide folks in ancient ways of tending the soil of our lives: growing in tandem with nature's cycles, fallowing to unearth the medicine of the land, and giving back more than we glean." Dev Brous - Cultivating Place


Compost Ritual for the Trees, At the Well


Founder & Director of UK Wellness Nonprofit, Calmer, Interviews Dev.Brous on Regeneration